Now, I don't care what your nationality, political inclinations, age or sex is. You HAVE to watch this interview. Then, if what you hear in the interview comes as a surprise to you, buy the book. Now.
John Perkins
Now, I don't care what your nationality, political inclinations, age or sex is. You HAVE to watch this interview. Then, if what you hear in the interview comes as a surprise to you, buy the book. Now.
More people means more CO2.
Well, DUH!
My calculator shows the following result: roughly 4.73 tons per head for China, roughly 13.80 tons per head for the U.S.
I don't care the least bit for the whole holier-than-thou environmental attitude the U.S. have been giving the rest of the world lately, especially since Al Gore won the Nobel Prize. Don't get me started on that.
Niggy Tardust.
Mr. Reznor's message reads:
As many of you know, I've been working closely with Saul Williams on his new record. We've spent many hours together in hotel rooms, busses, backstages and studios around the world working on something we knew was great. This is the most involved I've been with any project outside NIN since Antichrist Superstar, and I've been impatiently waiting for the chance for you to hear it. Well... guess what?
The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust! has arrived! After my own recent dealings with record labels we decided to release it directly to you. Head over to for all the details. Register now and you can download the record November 1st. Working on this project was a real pleasure. Saul was interested in breaking boundaries / crossing genres / defying expectations and we learned a great deal from one another in the process. When asked about the sound of the record, I've had to resort to "... I really don't know HOW to describe it." That's a good thing more than ever these days.
A word on the way we've chosen to release this. There are obvious similarities in how Radiohead just released their new record and the way we've chosen to. After thinking about this way too much, I feel we've improved upon their idea in a few profound ways that benefit you, the consumer. You obviously will be the judge of this in the end. One thing that IS very different in our situation is that Saul's not the household name (yet!) that Radiohead is, and that means we need your support on this more than ever. If you like what you hear, spread the word.
I hope you enjoy the music,
Receiving this e-mail makes me feel so special, I have to return the courtesy by displaying his widget.
We don't need natural language in our searches
Normally, I'm willing to embrace any sort of goofy web innovation… I enjoy them, in fact; this idea, however, I've never been able to swallow.
I think
Simple, but true as can be. If you use Google Analytics you'll understand what I'm talking about: I have seen searches like "I want mp3 music for my wedding reception" and "Find me donut shops near my home". I mean, come on... googling something is not precisely difficult... oh, and forget about + - "" site: etc. I consider myself fairly competent at finding things on the web, and I never use any of those things. My searching philosophy is pretty straightforward: If I want to find out what a red herring is, I type red herring. Search. If I want to find a restaurant in downtown
Last year, I wrote a thesis. Due to the lack of related work in the libraries, I tried the internet. Ever tried to google academic papers that may be used as reference in a research about the influence of plastic minimalism in the work of film directors Abbas Kiarostami and Kim Ki-Duk? I did. And guess what? I found enough. It took me a week, but I did, and without the help of a natural language search engine. Furthermore, I'm sure such a search engine couldn’t have helped me find it faster.
How about "natural language C++"or "natural language Javascript"? Now that would be helpful.