John Perkins

I just found this on Kinetic Reaction, a Ron Paul support blog. It's an interview with John Perkins about his life as a U.S.government-sponsored corporate grifter, as detailed in his book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman". I read this book about a year ago, and unlike many people in the US, I wasn't surprised the least bit: Anyone born or living outside the US can tell you this is exactly the despicable way in which american foreign policy is conducted. It's not much of a secret. What I find terrible is the fact that, even though most US citizens are good willing, hard working people, their government and corporations' maneuvers all over the world have earned them the hatred of so many.

Now, I don't care what your nationality, political inclinations, age or sex is. You HAVE to watch this interview. Then, if what you hear in the interview comes as a surprise to you, buy the book. Now.

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